Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to make your Windows mail email into a webpage with links and pictures

There are many benefits to writing an email in rich html format in Windows Mail or Outlook Express. One of the main benefits would be that you can insert links to websites. Another great fact is that you can also insert a picture into your email so the person receiving the email sees the picture straight away. Writing an email in HTML rich text format also can make your email look like a professional webpage.

How to make your Windows mail email into a webpage with links and pictures

  1. Open Windows Mail
  2. Click on the create mail icon at the top
  3. Got to the format menu and choose rich text HTML from the menu
  4. Now a HTML editor tool bar will appear just above where you will write the content of your email.

How to insert a link into your email?

You can make your text into a html link. So therefore you can link to a website and user anchor text. For example you can make this Tips4pc link to the Tips4pc website, instead of having this ugly link http://www.tips4pc.com

  1. Select the text in the content of your email by making it blue.
  2. Then press on Create a hyperlink icon in the HTML toolbar.

How to insert a picture from your hard drive or one stored on the internet?

Not only can you insert pictures from your hard drive but you can also insert pictures and graphics that are stored on the internet. Just simply go to the picture you want in your email. Right click on it and choose properties. Then copy the url of the picture. So when you need to say where the picture is stored, you can paste that url in and the picture will appear in your email.

  1. Click on the insert picture icon.
  2. To insert a picture from your computer click on browse to find a picture on your hard drive.
  3. To insert a picture that is stored on the internet paste the url into where it says location.

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